
Sunday, March 01, 2009

FreeD Short On Dough

We are about to launch a very professional campaign to raise funds for Free Dominion's Legal Defence. This campaign is in the planning stages, and should be going full-steam within a few weeks.


Although FDers have been wonderfully supportive, there just aren't enough of us to raise the tens of thousands of dollars we will likely need.

They also want $3,000 immediately, and since they are talking to the tune of $10,000s you can probably conclude that, despite the bluster, they are expecting to get stuck with the tab for Warman's motion demanding they turn over the sign up and forum posting details for the 8 FreeD Anonys.


  1. You are at once a cockroach and a vulture.

  2. You've wandered away from the asylum there, Narrow Back.

    Toddle on back or you'll miss Jello Time.

  3. Blogger Ti-Guy said...

    You've wandered away from the asylum there, Narrow Back.

    Toddle on back or you'll miss Jello Time.

    Good advice. And, I like Jello too.

  4. LOL! "At once a cockroach and a vulture"[?].

    You're at once patently ignorant of the mechanics of natural selection and conclusive proof that it often produces effects that contradict its purpose.

    Go jump off a tall building and follow gravity's instructions (metaphorically).


  5. LOL! "At once a cockroach and a vulture"[?].

    You're at once patently ignorant of the mechanics of natural selection and conclusive proof that it often produces effects that contradict its purpose.

    Go jump off a tall building and follow gravity's instructions (metaphorically).

    7:20 PM

    Too much. What a fool.
