
Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Texas Governer Talks Treason

Send in the Tanks, Obama! Give the crazies a whiff of grapeshot.


  1. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I think his point is that he thinks that Obama will transfer too much power from the individual states to the federal government. He's got a point - the states should be able to manage themselves more effectively. Centralization would just serve to ignore or bureaucratize problems that can be solved easily by a more local government.

  2. Send in the Tanks, Obama! Give the crazies a whiff of grapeshot.

    Anything to get that civil war going already. It's decades late and the proxy wars the Americans have been having at the expense of the rest of us are killing us and/or boring us to tears with the ever down-spiralling stupidity.

  3. Anonymous7:18 PM

    Yeah, and I think BigCityLib's point is Governors should know better than to toss concepts around like secession in an attempt to corral rabble rousers who don't even seem to understand how their own government functions.

    Perhaps you should become his speechwriter, Miss P? At least your comment makes coherent sense, which is more than the populist Governor can say.

    I hasten to add that the train of transferring powers to the federal government left a long time ago, with Republicans more than happy to conduct the operation when it suited their own needs.

  4. Yes, Joseph, my point is these people are flipping out over trivia. But I think separatists of whatever persuasion ought to be treated indelicately.

  5. Anonymous8:31 PM

    Obamassiah learned his politics in Chicago - Chicago Demos don't send in the tanks, they send in the union goon squads to bust heads and arms on anyone who isn't their brand of Democrat.

  6. All the talk of teabagging today got Freddie excited.

    Down boy.
