
Monday, May 11, 2009

Iggy On The Tamil Protest

The Liberal party did the right thing yesterday. The government, on the other hand, did nothing.


  1. "The government, on the other hand, did nothing."

    So, what else is new? Don't want to take a chance on possibly getting negative press comments on "being there". Not their style anyway. They love "divide & conquer" tactics.

  2. At least PM Harper didn't have dinner with them...

  3. Hanging with the Terrorists, hanging with the Scofflaws . . . go Iggy go.

  4. Leeky Sweek's profile:

    "Small-c conservative, Christian, and strongly pro-Israel and pro-America. Respectful of other people's opinions, no matter how wrong they are :)"

    His motto: "Always get someone else to do your thinking for you."

  5. In QP today Bev Oda thanked the NDP for their help at the protest in TO that shut down the bridge ramp. Not a word about the Libs being there & doing most of the work.

  6. His motto: "Always get someone else to do your thinking for you."

    *LOL* How many hours did it take you to come up with that insult?

  7. How many hours did it take you to come up with that insult?None. It's my standard reaction to people who describe themselves as you have. A cookie-cutter inventory of beliefs doesn't require anything more.

  8. Probably less time that it took Leeky Sweek to come up with his jewel of a comeback.

  9. Probably even less time than it takes most people to conclude Leeky minute he opens his mouth.

    ...not that there's anything wrong with that.

    By the way,'ve missed out on Canada's Most Righteous Jew's column about the Tamils.

    I don't know why winguts of all flavours (even the gay ones) bother talking anymore. Their opinions are entirely predictable at this point.

  10. Ha ha! I like the way you cut down the Cons!! They shouln't be allowed to question the way they do. We should ban them!! The polls show we are ahead and the Cons should be brought down.
