
Thursday, June 18, 2009

My New Hero

Parker Donham deserves all the attention he is getting. Go blogosphere! MSM sucks! Natty Post, TO Sun, G&M...quit squealing while we club you to death!


  1. If this is happening in Nova Scotia, what is happening in other areas of Canada?

    Good for you Parker!!

  2. Anonymous8:12 PM

    that'll teach them dumb as a bag of hammer 'Timers to vote for the Opposition.

    Next time they'll vote for full Borg membership.

  3. By the way, BCL, I hope you're watching the PC leadership debate on TVO.

    Randy! Randy! Randy!

    ...that anyone would consider voting for any of these cretins is a mystery to me. But Ontario is Albertifying at an alarming rate, so...
