
Thursday, June 25, 2009

Our International Nightmare Is Over

I loved The Jackson Five. The last, what, 20 years have been kind of a scar on Western civilization. Explained here:

And of course there's the whole Paedophilia thing.


  1. Man, you're going to get scolded for that.

    Farrah Fawcett, Micheal Jackson...Not a good day for the icons of our formative years, is it?

  2. I guess you prove that it is not only Torys who can be mean-spirited!

  3. I am very disappointed BCL. (I'll leave it at that.)

  4. WTF?

    The man was a child molester and major, major creep. The world's a better place without him.

  5. Thats kind of how I feel, RB. Listening to the news this morning is making me dizzy--all the BStributes.

    And you know they're going to "Hendrix" this guy up the wazoo. He'll be releasing albums 100 years after he's dead. I wouldn't be surprised if somebody tried to clone him.
