
Friday, July 17, 2009

The Many Forms Of Denial

Received a nice email yesterday evening from Bryan Birtles, an editor with Vue Weekly, which seems to be Edmonton's rough equivalent to T.O.s NOW or Eye magazines. He pointed me to a recent article of his entitled State of denial: New book challenges the claims and influence of AIDS Denialists, and he wrote: "Throughout my became apparent to me that denialism in whatever form shares particular characteristics—it's hilarious, once you can identify them, to see them happen over and over again."

I am inclined to agree. To give just one example, compare this

...most [AIDS] denialists believe there is a conspiracy between pharmaceutical companies, academics and governments to promote the idea that HIV causes AIDS in order to make money off the disease. one of Tim Ball's many, many pieces on the topic of AGW:

A huge industry has erupted as the UK newspaper the Telegraph reported. “Investing in climate change is proving to be profitable for governments, corporations, and investors from many sectors. Governments recent subsidies towards energy-efficient programs is bringing in newfound wealth for investors. In addition, the rising price of oil have been influential in pushing investments towards alternative energy sources. CEO’s are taking charge in ways that were unforeseen.” So, the very people and industries the environmentalists and socialists despise are doing what they do best - make money.

Knowledge takes many forms, but ignorance is always the same, it seems.

In any case, as Aids Denialism seems to have expended itself in the West, its easy to forget the terribly damaging effects it has had on other parts of the planet. From the article:

Influenced by information from the Internet as well as direct contact with a number of prominent AIDS denialists, former South African president Thabo Mbeki refused to implement a significant antiretroviral therapy program in that country, while at the same time denying that HIV caused AIDS. These actions, coupled with his government's promotion of vitamins and natural "cures" as better alternatives than antiretroviral therapies led to an estimated 330 000 deaths between 2000 and 2005, according to a 2008 Harvard study.



  1. I think Thabo Mbeki's HIV denialism is different from climate change denialism. I think the latter is an *actual* conspiracy like the tobacco and anti-medicare lobbies.

    It's supported by a demographic that, unlike one afflicted and terrified by AIDS, is possessed of a particular personality type: OBIL (Obnoxious Brother-in-Law). It's the kind of person (always male, quite often an engineer) who gainsays everything in order to distract everyone from noticing that he's pig-ignorant about the issue being discussed.

  2. Again, the left is confused with skepticism and denial. Leaning towards zealotry on the issue of AGW, all others become deniers.

    It's a classic circle the wagon approach to avoiding legitimate questioning.

  3. Again, the left is confused with skepticism and denial.

    Let me consider yourself a "skeptic," right? Tell me, what's your background in the environmental sciences?
