
Sunday, July 19, 2009

Plan To Expose Conserative Operatives On FreeD Proceeds Apace

THE GREAT CANADIAN "OUTING" now has a Facebook Page.

A few journalists (Rory Lieshman, Joe Quesnal) are members. Obviously they take it seriously enough that they want to get in on the ground floor when the shit goes down.

Background here.


  1. I thought the argument was against the IP21C act? This facebook group looks like its turning into a campaign of personal soapboxes. The seniors tough talk is pretty funny though.

  2. Gee, I've heard Rory Leishman called a lot of names before, but never a journalist!

  3. Gee, I've heard Rory Leishman called a lot of names before, but never a journalist!

    No wonder the name didn't ring a bell. Googled it and came up with "The Judicial Imposition of Gay Rights" for Catholic Insight.

    'Nuff said.
