
Friday, July 24, 2009

Yeah, Mark Steyn... a Creationist.

The original ID was made here back in 2005. Best part? It appears as though Mr. Steyn has expunged all reference to these remarks from his website (but if I'm wrong I'm sure somebody will point it out).

(PS. the "gibbons or pumpkins" ref is to a unique sounding phrase in Steyn's remarks. I figured it would be a useful search term. Nothing else retrieved the entry on Steyn's site either)


  1. *pfft* The Robber Baron's Catamite is as "creationist" as Ann Coulter. They don't believe themselves what they're writing. They're just telling the rubes what they want to hear...and will keep doing it until the dodge stops paying off.

  2. Gee, you'd think a few Steyniacs would have shown up by now. I guess they're only interested in defending their hero when it comes to his hate speech.

  3. What hate speech Ti? Remember, even by the abysmally lax standards of our various HRC's, no case could be made.

    Your lynch mob lost. But thanks for doing all Canadians a favour and helping demonstrate how laughable our HRC's really are.

    And witty and sharp-witted as BCL can be, it is a letdown to come here and read a lame post saying Steyn is a 'Creationist'. By that measure, so is Obama.

  4. is a letdown...

    No, you're having letdown.

    But anyway...Hate speech is a real thing, Paulie. Just because it doesn't cross a particular threshold in law doesn't change that.

    I'm sure Steyn would be the first to agree that much of what he has expressed over the years *is* hate speech. He just argues that there shouldn't be any legal consequences associated with it.

    By that measure, so is Obama.

    I don't think so. Obama doesn't advance his religious beliefs to challenge biological evolution, which appears to be what Steyn did here. Had Steyn used the word "atheist" instead of "evolutionist" it could be interpreted differently.

    Of course, that's all moot, since, as I asserted in the first comment, Steyn, like Coulter, doesn't believe what he writes himself.

  5. The threshold the speech is being asked to cross is pathetically low.

    Hate speech, by your definition, is whatever you subjectively dream up.

    The end result of the harassment of Steyn has been the diminishment of what little credibility our HRC's possessed. Funny how those things work out, eh?

  6. The threshold the speech is being asked to cross is pathetically low.

    How so?

    Hate speech, by your definition, is whatever you subjectively dream up.

    How so?

    The end result of the harassment of Steyn has been the diminishment of what little credibility our HRC's possessed. Funny how those things work out, eh?

    How so?

    How so? How so? How so? How so? How so? How so? How so? How so? How so? How so? How so? How so? How so? How s..

    ..ewps! Forgot to terminate the auto-response script I use quite often for Paulie.
