
Monday, August 03, 2009

In Lieu Of Having New Ideas

NDP considering dropping 'new' from their name


  1. First of all, traditional NDP ideas are proving themselves to be more relevant all the time as capitalism coughs and sputters its way to ever greater inequalities across the world. Second of all, I think the Canadian public would have a collective coronary if the Liberals, a once great party, had even a single new idea! Tend your own rotting garden BigCityLib, rather than spend your time taking cheap potshots at the only party that has consistently voted against Harper's right-wing political machine. Such pettiness lacks class.

  2. First of all, traditional NDP ideas are proving themselves to be more relevant all the time as capitalism coughs and sputters its way to ever greater inequalities across the world.

    Marxism isn't new idea either.

    We don't need *new* ideas. We just have to make the old ones work.

  3. Gosh - you don't suppose the NDP are trying to fool people into thinking they're like Layton's hero - Obama and the Democrats in the US? LOL.

    Jack - you are not Obama and never could be.

    Social Democratic Party is closer to what the NDP are - who do they think they're kidding.

  4. It would be more accurate for the NDP to rename theselves the Liberal Party the way things are going.

  5. Why don't change the name to the Labour Party?

  6. This story really made my day!

  7. And instead of having a "Seinfeld" Convention like the Liberals did, the NDP is having an actual policy convention with actual policy debates (and not just a name change debate). On top of that, those policies are going to get voted on and actually, wait for it, be binding on the party. What a crazy, democratic concept, hey???

  8. "Seinfeld convention." Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha ...

  9. ...ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha Ha ha ...
