
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Dinner With Rob Anders

Looks like Rob Anders has attempted a little fence-mending, after trashing Calgary's Muslim community in one of his 10 per centers.

Anders attended a ramadan dinner at the Calgary Islamic Centre Friday night to try and defend his actions.

On the other hand, there was free food involved....


  1. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Maybe Harper won't sign his nomination papers or rescind the papers he's already signed.

    Harper does that--reverse himself and he always has a reason for it.
    Look at last election to see what I mean.

  2. I bet he converted and is now a crypto-Muslim.

    Shriek! etc.

  3. TG, That's what I'm thinking. Watch to see if he appears with a beard.

  4. Anders: Geez, it's getting dark already! Why aren't we eating yet? Got any beer? These are the ones that don't eat cow, right?
