
Wednesday, November 25, 2009

ARC On The Case

Nazis fold S.13 constitutional challenge.

Aryan Guard just folds. The Calgary newspapers will be along sometime in February to pick up on this one.


  1. The Aryan Guard in Calgary has disbanded?

    How will Paul Sunstrum (love that Aryan name by the way) spend his Saturday nights?

  2. Calgary news outlets have reported extensively on the problems posed by the Aryan Guard.

    Toronto news outlets who continue to sweep threats like the Tamil Tigers and Toronto 18 under the carpet might learn a few lessons on proper news coverage.

    Thankfully we have chased Kyle McKee out of town. Hopefully this product of Ontario's public education system will return home and Ti will work on being a better stepfather..

  3. Please, Paul, given the damage the AG has done to Calgary's rep the last year or two the coverage has been pathetic. And I know because I've read ALL of it. I think it was the prevelance of speechy warriors in their newsrooms...they just couldn't concieve of these guys actually being harmful. Ever since Ezra convinced the Stelmach gov. to consider repealing their hate speech provisions (S3),NNs have been flocking there. Kind of his fault, in a way.

  4. BCL, possibly from your sheltered worldview that's how you see the issue but it has been discussed and reported on widely here.

    Canadians have witnessed clearly how supporters of the terrorist Tamil Tigers march, and shut down freeways with impugnity in your neighbourhood and Canadians are also fully aware of the recent arrest of two more Ontarians on suspicion of terrorism. And this is without evening mentioning the horrendous acts of violence plotted by the Toronto 18.

    It may be true that a city's rep has been damaged, but spin as you might, I can assure you it is not Calgary's.

    You can concern yourself with chasing shadows; the rest of us will keep an eye on the terrorists.

  5. Shorter Paul Sunstrum: "But, but but...the brown people...they're eeevil!"

    Really helping Calgary play down its white supremacist reputation there, Paulie.

  6. A pipe bomb, targetting one of their own? This somehow compares to the grave threat posed by the Toronto 18?

    Thankfully Canadians understand the difference.

    Come out west for awhile BCL (leave Ti at home though), the cleaner air will do wonders improving your critical thinking skills.

  7. This somehow compares to the grave threat posed by the Toronto 18?

    Not at all. The white supremacists outnumber them by orders of thousands.

    Thank God they've all moved to Calgary. No one will care much when we nuke the place from orbit.

    ...y'know. To be sure.

  8. And as we've seen, the small number of Islamist extremists, originating from Ontario, are the far greater threat to Canadians' security. No amount of masochistic multi-cult arm-waving changes that reality.

  9. Anonymous1:36 AM

    Anybody know the ARC collective's source?

  10. Walker, they got an "in" with the movement.

  11. Anonymous8:50 AM

    Ah - ok. Just thought I'd check.

  12. Did Mr. Morrow not believe us when we told him that a little birdie told us? Tres hut.

  13. Anonymous3:16 AM

    Would you believe me if I told you the same under different circumstances?

  14. Absolutely! We at the ARC Collective are very credulous folks. ;)

  15. Anonymous12:00 AM

