
Thursday, November 12, 2009

Text You Very Much

...Tory MP Rick Dykstra, seen here responding to incoming blackberry messages during a Remembrance Day Ceremony. Stay classy Rick!
(And is one or is one not allowed to text/twitter during the minute of silence? What's the appropriate etiquette?)


  1. His big cheque was probably ready and there wasn't a moment to waste.

  2. Complete disrespect for the serious nature of the moment.

    Also, have watched Jason Kenney in QP & he is ALWAYS on his Blackberry. The only time he isn't is when he has to stand up & reply to a question, which he knows ahead of time of course. He doesn't even stop to applaud, or stand, when any other of the Con caucus members are being "supported" by the other Cons - not even Great Leader. He isn't paying attention to anything in QP. It's disgusting. Again, no respect whatsoever.

  3. Wafergate II: The Sexting.

  4. He probably just forgot to silence/vibrate his blackberry.

    This was a simple mistake that anyone can make.

  5. In the photo, to the far right is a video camera on a tripod. Add in the photo of Dykstra taken by someone else (Hedy Fry undercover?). As the Blackberry is also a digital camera, Dykstra may well be just checking a photo he took of the ceremony.

    But hey, if I was a Liberal, I'd be grasping at straws too after the byelection results earlier this week.

  6. yeah Paul you'd probably take the same stance if Dykstra had been running down the crowd with a lawn mower. Shorter Paul S: but he was just interested in a neat lawn.

    You guys will apologize for every bit of ethics the Cons lack wont you. Have fun on top, its going to be quite the fall when it happens.

  7. I'm sure that the blackberry was ringing loud so he turned the ring off, a little embarrassing, yes.... major deal no.

  8. lame excuse Wayne. But I dont really expect more. You'd find an excuse for anything they'd do wouldnt you? No matter how unethical or unsavoury you'll always find an excuse.

  9. Rick's an upstanding guy alright.

  10. Rick's an upstanding guy alright.

  11. Well, if liberals had any morals or integrity, you would all know that he was live blogging the event from his Blackberry.

    Sorry none of you are mentally capable of doing your own research and finding the truth.

  12. that's the point exactly Justin. What kind of asshole is rude enough to live blog a memorial service. I guess you go to funerals and text your buddies all the time right Justin.

  13. Justin, dont you have another country's military to serve in? Don't lecture us on anything you Canadian of Convenience.

    Hoffer = traitor
