
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Is There Hope For Alberta?

So far I can't find anything on this in the papers. It would have been during this game on the 23rd, I think.

PS. Feeling a bit better this morning. Hopefully I can get into the walk-in clinic down the road when they open. Tamiful rocks.


  1. Without my glasses on i thought the headline read "Stephen Harper was Boned at Calgary Flames Hockey Game".

    That would have been awesome.

  2. When that happens, you will read it here first.

  3. A good 40% to 60% of Albertans can't stand the Conservatives, be they federal or provincial.

    Unfortunately that vote is split between 2 - 4 political parties, and the Conservative voting base is solid. And not very bright.

  4. Unfortunately that vote is split between 2 - 4 political parties, and the Conservative voting base is solid. And not very bright.

    Light doesn't usually pass through solids ...
