
Friday, January 08, 2010

Sometimes I Feel Sorry For Stephen Harper

The Olympics in Canada were another good reason to prorogue Parliament, [Tory MP for Perth-Wellington Gary Schellenberger] added.

"If we are sitting, how do MPs get to those events," he said of the Olympic games. "It makes sense that we are not sitting."



  1. He's my MP & it's solidly Conservative in this riding, Perth-Wellington. Another backbencher who doesn't have an original thought or idea. One thing he has done is bring a LOT of money into this riding with the EAC & a lot is going on here. He won't be losing his seat in the next election. ):

  2. There is no way in hell I could feel sorry for Harper. After everything he's done over the past 4 years (and nothing sticking) he deserves for it all to come down on him in a blaze of epic fail.

  3. Otherwise MPs would have to watch the Olympics on TV like 99% of the people living in this country... how would they survive ?

  4. Don't feel sorry for Deceivin Stephen - he feels self pity enough and blames everyone else for his woes.

    Meanwhile, with all his troubles, Obama takes responsibility like a real leader and a real man.

  5. Obama takes responsibility like a real leader and a real man.

    Is this the same Obama who has officially mandated racial profiling of airline passengers?

    And the same Obama who stands by Janet "The system worked" Napolitano?

    The Obama who wouldn't cut short his Hawaiian holiday to deal with the crisis? That Obama?

  6. Crisis? Really?

    A failed attack isn't a crisis. Giving into the terror that it was meant to illicit is.

    Besides, Obama doesnt have as much brush to clear as Bush so he spoke about the incident 3 days after it occurred rather than the 6 it took Dubya to come up with something to say.

  7. GWB addressed the nation the same day as the attacks nos200.

    Any comments on Obama's racial profiling?

  8. GWB addressed the nation the same day as the attacks nos200.

    nos200 is referring to the length of time Bush took to talk about the shoe bomber, Richard Reid.

    Dec. 22, 2001 Reid tries to light his shoe during the middle of a flight.

    Dec. 28. 2001, during a press conference, Bush mentions the shoe bombing in passing... and that the best defense against such things are flight attendants.
