
Wednesday, January 20, 2010

You'll Be Moved

Toilet problems at the new T.O. Sun


  1. no blog on the Massachusetts Senate election today?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nope. Bad news for Os agenda. Probably good news for the Dems overall as they have plenty of time to correct. No climate bill until at least 2011; between now and then a lot of talk of jobs and pork to Dem districts.

  4. Unlike many conservatives.. I'm not seeing the vote as a right/left issue.. as much as a vote against "business as usual".

    Though I'm not convinced Brown is any more genuine than any other Washington insider.. even if he drives a truck.

  5. Unlike many conservatives.. I'm not seeing the vote as a right/left issue.. as much as a vote against "business as usual".

    And you would be correct in that assessment. Scott Brown worked it from the 'all politics is local' playbook and his campaign was specifically geared to the issues in Massachusetts and that not enough was being done to help that state. He targeted Washington insiders, of which Obama is now one of the gang. It was well played, and he ran an excellent campaign against a complacent Democratic Party establishment.

    As you said, most conservatives are heralding this as a swing to the right. Yet during the campaign Brown barely mentioned he was Republican and seldom shared the stage with any of the party's leadership, either from the state or Washington.

    However, make no mistake this was a referendum on Obama (in Massachusetts at least), on his and his party's performance to date.

    Back to the topic at hand. Reading about the Sun's washroom woes, it kind of explains why a lot of the Sun's articles were full of crap (yuk yuk yuk!)
