
Friday, February 26, 2010

More Tories Gone Rogue On Abortion

Tory MPs Brad Trost and Maurice Vellacott speak out on the A-word! Note a couple of things here. The editorial they reference argues that:

...aid groups have argued for years that real progress can't be made until women are given the education, resources and support to decide for themselves when to get and stay pregnant.

...which is to say its author's are also talking about such things as providing contraceptive options. Brad and Maurice make it all about abortion (as have most Tory responses to Iggy's recent statements. It looks like a deliberate tactic.). Secondly, their "evidence" seem to be derived from stories published at The Lifesite on Maternal Mortality levels. As you can see, Lifesite's been running a bunch of them lately. So one can legitimately question its accuracy.


  1. What? Brad didn't talk about abortion being illegal in such promised lands as Colombia, Haiti, and Syria? Funny he'd abandon his dedication to comparative policy on this issue.

  2. Ask Liberal MP's John Mackay, Dan Mcteague, I could name a dozen more.

    Have they been silenced?

  3. Abortion, like it or not, is legal in this country. I believe in a woman's choice..leave it !

  4. "Promoters of abortion..."

    Does anyone know anyone who actively promotes abortion? Don't these idiots know they lose the argument when they make stupid characterizations as this.

    As for their argument that they are protecting women by restricting their choice, might I suggest they first ban cigarettes, alcohol, extreme sports, driving and any other activity that increases man's chances of dying.

  5. Gayle says..."As for their argument that they are protecting women by restricting their choice, might I suggest they first ban cigarettes, alcohol, extreme sports, driving and any other activity that increases man's chances of dying."

    Well, heck Gayle, they do that already! So long as 'man' is a fetus. Just try being a pregnant woman engaging in any of the above. Then have her miscarry atop her other child abuse criminal activities.'ve got what you wish for, right? Selective? Moi? Whaddya mean, not just pregnant and pre-pregnant women(after all, skijumping is just WRONG for baby incubating parts)? You mean...never-pregnant men should curtail *their* potentially risky behaviours? What are you? an emasculating nanny-statist feminazi communist?
