
Friday, March 12, 2010

Helena Guerigis--Alleged Assassin

In which I lower the discourse with this totally gratuitous reminder of Ms. Guergis' long history of allegedly Diva-ish behavior.

Mind you, she is hot.


  1. You don't mention that she's hot.

  2. Anonymous11:56 AM

    Put her & Ruby in a jello pit for a bikini charity wrestle and I would contribute to both charities.

    Best of ten rounds.

  3. Boys are so easy.

  4. Yeesh, Helena Guerigis is most definitely NOT hot. Now, Hedy Fry on the other hand..

  5. Boys are so easy...

    No kidding. Although I'm still mystified by the appeal of the "Barbie Doll" look, especially when there's not a lot under the hair and makeup.

    But, as I"ve said before, hardly any of our politicians are particularly attractive. Legislature after legislature of ugly, ugly people. And that's the way it should be.

  6. Put her & Ruby in a jello pit for a bikini charity wrestle and I would contribute to both charities.

    Best of ten rounds.

    Wrote Fred, from his perch on sniffer's row.

  7. Anonymous8:34 PM

    I find it ironic that someone who would participate in something as demeaning as a beauty pageant would be in charge of the Status of Women...

  8. Good point WTF.

    Perhaps that is because conservative women aspire to winning beauty pageants - so they can get a rich husband - and buy a big house...

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. so they can get a rich husband.

    That didn't seem to work out too well for her.

  11. I agree with Cherniak_WTF

    I think a woman has to be pretty self-absorbed to enter into a pageant in the first place. Can't spend so much love on yourself and care for others all that much.

    Besides, how much competition would there be on Huronia - not much.
