
Tuesday, April 06, 2010

Sun Goes CP Free...Or Not

I've written once or twice...well, once...about the Canoe chain's (Toronto Sun and co.) attempts to wean themselves from Canadian Press wire stories as a cost cutting measure. Well, this week they've been attempting an experiment:

A TSF tipster says Sun Media editors have been told not to use Canadian Press content from April 5 through 10, not even a file shot.

"It is a dry run for when they go AP/CP free on July 1," says the tipster.

Alas! The experiment goes poorly.

Next up: the washroom stalls at 333 King (T.O. Sun HQ) will be made coin-operated.

1 comment:

  1. The boys at 333 King are loosing their parking spots. The little paper that could, can't.
