
Friday, June 04, 2010

C-391 Voting Scenarios

Derek Firebrandt's crunched the numbers:
I met Derek, incidentally, during my 2nd appearance on the Coren show. Nice guy. Very artfully maintained hair. "Bottle blonde", I think is the term.


  1. "In the last noted scenario – that of all dissenting Liberals falling in line with their leader’s whip and all dissenting New Democrats sitting on their hands – the bill would be defeated by a single vote. Since Second Reading however, pro-registry New Democrat Judy Wasylycia-Leis has resigned to run for the mayor’s chair in Winnipeg, bringing the vote to an exact tie."

    And I understood Bagnell would be the one Lib MP allowed to abstain or oppose.

    So NDP can still kill registry.

    But since vote is technically on not hearing report from committee, and not on bill itself, I suspect just enough NDP MPs will change their votes to stop it, save Layton's hide, and their colleagues, as there will be a direct correlation between winning margins in 2008 and those pro-gun NDP MPS who switch (the pro-gunners with biggest margins will switch, saving others)

    But all this elaborate NDP gameplaying will still hurt them as those people and groups who are motivtaed by this won't be fooled, will remember, denounce them, and support Libs.

    Twisted webs = bad times for NDP.

  2. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Is he a former Backstreet Boy, or just a fan?
    The boy-beard gives him some serious gravitas.

  3. He was definitely more sensible than the other guy from Strictly Right you debated. He was really out there.

  4. I think I know Derek and yes, he really cleaned the Strictly Right guy's clock. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
