
Thursday, June 10, 2010

Sarah Palin's Snowy Globes & The Globe Itself: Are Both Getting Hotter?

Gawker's investigation of the Sarah Palin breast implant story (did she have 'em installed? Is she still au naturel?) manages to be both professional and host several photos of Sarah looking flamingly, gawdawfully hot in a series of tight tops.

The conclusion:

Sarah's rack is within the realm of natural possibilities. But if it were a plastic intervention, I would not be surprised. The kind of woman who wears t-shirts advertising her suppleness as a teen is also the kind who ends up fighting slow southward sag of the middle age with breasts lifts and other acts of plastic violence. [Wonkette]

...which somehow reminded me of various controversies around the theory of Anthropogenic Global Warming, and especially how difficult it can sometimes be to distinguish natural variability from external forcings: solar & CO2 & cloud cover and so forth for AGW; in Ms. Palin's case, presumably silicone. Funny how the mind works.

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