
Wednesday, June 23, 2010

T.O. Earthquake!

About two minutes ago. Rattled the whole building for about fifteen seconds. Wife also felt it out in Scarborough (about ten miles away). Just in time for the G20!

From the comments: felt as far away as Montreal.

PS. Still not up on U.S. Geologicao Survey website, but I am hearing around 5 or 5.1.

PPS. Details here. 5.5, epicenter North of Cumberland, Ontario. Out of country visitors to this blog (I've had about 1,000 total in the last half hour) may feel free to blame Canada.


  1. Did it wake some libs out of their slumber to do an honest day's work?

  2. I'm in Ottawa, we had the quake here too... intense!

  3. Friend in Montreal just posted they felt it

  4. felt in high park. i was in chile for the big one in february...this scared the crap out of me. bad memories.

  5. Thank you Matthew Hopkins for yet again proving how Rightwingnuts suck at comedy.

    First Quake I've felt in over 20 years. Last one was in the late 80's - I think a 4.7 or something like that, and I was the only one out of my entire family to feel it. At 5.5 that's pretty big for southern Ontario.

  6. I'm in Northumberland County,West of Trenton/Belleville and I felt it. Damn, the earth moved and I was all by myself.

    Matthew Hopkins, don't get so cocky, it may have been an omen.

  7. Actually Matthew, it's a sign God is angry with Stephen Harper for blowing a billion dollars on fake lakes, steamboats, outhouses and false idols.
