
Tuesday, July 20, 2010

More Mystery People Support Census Change!

No sign of their emails, nor their twitter posts either. But they're out there....1,000s of them. A very silent majority. Invisible. Mysterious. But they talk with Tony Clement, and he hears 'em!
Update: Now Tony claims to be unwilling to reveal the twitterdentities of the brave folk you have spoken up in favor of the government's position re the long-form, for fear they might be verbally abused. But the thing is: he's on politwitter (see link) and if these people were real, wouldn't their IDs appear in the right side column?


  1. Well, it does say "Con" under his photo, so i guess it's truth in advertising at least.

  2. And, thanks mom for your support.

    This is pathetic.

  3. Anonymous4:35 PM

    Tony Clement Minister of Sock Puppetry!
    Not only is he having trouble with the complexities of "robust statistics", Tony fails the simplicities of internet 101.


  4. Anonymous4:38 PM

    Um... how dumb do you have to be to get these chice gigs?
