
Monday, July 12, 2010

What's That Smell?

In which Iggy chides the PM for his choice of deodorant.

Or he compares him to Satan. Whatever.


  1. LOL..

    As I blogged.. nothing like walking into an already surly crowd and pissing in their punch.

  2. I'm sooo tired of being coerced into worrying about what the west wants and/or thinks about anything. Fuck Alberta and Albertans and good on Ignatieff for supposedly pissing in their grape drink and alkool punch.

  3. Actually, RG, the Stampeded Breakfast Iggy was at would be the large Liberal one held on the Stampede Grounds.

    Interesting, really, that the Stampede Breakfast tradition was started by staunch Liberals - the Hays family. The original Stampede Breakfast is still held on what was part of their farm - Heritage Village in Calgary. Former Senate Speaker, Dan Hays, a Calgary Liberal had some neighbors help him put on the huge event in recent years. The event is the biggest breakfast in Calgary, and all the "who's who" attend - regardless of political stripe. Also all the foreign consular corps, and visiting MLAs and MPs from across Canada. The event is invite only, so if you are on the list, you are definitely "A list"...

  4. The event is the biggest breakfast in Calgary, and all the "who's who" attend - regardless of political stripe.

    Any idea how the Harper BBQ compares in size? Just curious.

  5. They used to be free too, not just another political fundraiser.

    When did Iggy start getting talking points from Hugo Chavez? Is he going to start little fireside chats and singing next? If he does, will the CBC report it?

  6. More likely from Senator Brickley Paiste.

  7. Really?

    Ignatief was invited to a Liberal breakfast?

    I was certain it was the Oilmen's club, or the Wild Rose Alliance breakfast.

    And in any event - the point had nothing to do with who invited him and what the "west" thinks.

    He's attending a Calgary event and goes out of his way to tell the local gentry how his boots were made in Quebec and are the best in Canada.

    As I said.. whether or not that may be true, what's the point of saying that in Alberta?

    I might as well have Stockwell Day go to Quebec and explain how our Poutine is so superior.

    Get it?

  8. Oh.

    And Omar.

    I'm sure that everyone in Eastern Canada has been up at night worrying about us in the West.. and that you've just become exhausted with the effort.

    We really appreciate all the moral and financial support we've been given over the last few decades.

    That you have now chosen to give up out of apparent exhaustion, I'm sure will change our lives, uh.. not in the least.

    Stupid thing is, my experience is that more western Canadians now have a much better grip of how symbiotic our country is, and how plant shutdowns in Ontario, and lost fishing industry in the Maritimes hurt everyone.

    How. Ironic.

  9. I'm sooo tired of being coerced into worrying about what the west wants and/or thinks about anything. Fuck Alberta and Albertans. - Omar

    And I graciously offer the same sentiments back at you Omar. But you'll take the billions and billions in equalization payments, eh? You people on welfare should learn some manners.

    He's attending a Calgary event and goes out of his way to tell the local gentry how his boots were made in Quebec and are the best in Canada.

    I might as well have Stockwell Day go to Quebec and explain how our Poutine is so superior.
    - R. G. Harvie

    I don't know why the Stampede didn't give Iggy the job of rodeo clown. He certainly is qualified.

  10. Anonymous4:04 PM

    I think PMSH smells and not just in Alberta. He smells up the place wherever he goes. Stinkiest PM ever!

    Iggy hit the nail on the head this time. It definitely needs to be stated more often.

  11. Anonymous4:07 PM

    Paul S and R.G Harvie are olfactorily desensitized.

  12. Ridofbrain, did you lose your remaining brain cells at the chuckwagon race?

  13. Anonymous4:21 PM

    PMSH lost his chance to smell good loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong ago. Once you step in too much it doesn't matter where your boots come from. The stench is already in your socks.

  14. Anonymous4:34 PM

    And your leg hairs....sniff

    rv: ingwashe

  15. Iggy hit the nail on the head this time. - mystereoso

    "Hit the nail"? Even Liberal analogies are completely out of touch.

    If Iggy ever figures out how to "rope a calf", let us know.

  16. Anonymous4:47 PM

    I note that "whiff" and "sulfur" are listed as top tags on Blogging Tories.

  17. ". . . the Stampede Breakfast tradition was started by staunch Liberals." -WesternGrit

    Absolute, 100% pure, unadulterated BULLSH**!!

    How low can Libs stoop?

  18. Anonymous4:58 PM

    BTW - roping calfs for fun stinks too.

  19. I wonder if the sulphur smell referred to by Iggy is the rotten smell of corruption that comes from the reformatort benches.

  20. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Terence, evidence in support of your suspicion can be found here in this thread:

    Paul S calls " Absolute, 100% pure, unadulterated BULLSH**!!" on Western Grit. Paul S. prefers flatulence to fact checking

  21. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Hang on - that's not the smell of corruption from Reformatort Benches - just the smell of poorly paid minions blogging madly away, venting along, waiting for their big break booohoohoohoo

  22. Anonymous5:28 PM




    That is all.

  23. How did this turn into West vs. East? Bill C-232 I can see--and have taken part in--being a bit divisive as everyone looks at the ramifications in their region, but this? C'mon.

    The sooner everyone realizes that people all have legitimate grievances in a country--yes, Alberta has real, legitimate grievances as does Quebec-- with as many political, ethnic and geographical nuances as Canada, the better off we will be as a nation.

    The West aren't ignorant hicks, blindly voting Conservative and to blame for our minority governments any more than we can criticize Quebec for electing 55 seats to a separatist party. So cut the region hating bullshit. All it does is further regionalize us and makes parties have to play to special interests to win votes; bill-C232 and climate change recalcitrance come to mind. Nobody benefits when we do that.

  24. Blair it is not East vs West debate. Omar does not represent the Liberal Party.

    In 2008 the Liberals fell to another low point with the exception in the Atlantic Region where they won in popular support.

    In every other region the Liberals did not finish first.

    The handlers and communication staff responsible for vetting the talking points for Ignatieff need a refresher course in etiquiette.

    It was bad form to call Westerners sheep and suggest a Quebec boot manufacturer is the best in Canada.

    Can anyone imagine Michael being a subject matter expert in the cowboy boot industry?

  25. So cut the region hating bullshit. - Blair

    I'm just hating on Liberals, no matter what part of this great country those despicable creatures come from. Surely you can't have any objections to that.

  26. Gee Paul S. you're such an ingrate. All the years the east subsidized the west when they hit hard times and now you throw that crap around? Ingrate.

    The West doesn't want in - they need it for excuses because they think everyone has to think like them or else. They're whiny babies.

    Sick of the whining of Quebec and Alberta - both have separatists and yet they attack each other - stupid or what.

    Grow up.

  27. RS,

    Besides Ontario providing equalization payments can you list what years specifically Quebec or the Atlantic provinces contributed to the program.

    Thanks again for another hysterical rant about the "East".

    Next time try to narrow down the have provinces out EAST to Ontario.

  28. How did this turn into West vs. East?

    Apparently, it all started with boots, and it sort of went down from there.

    Anyone else sick of regionalism (hating and love)?

  29. Sharon,

    Politics is about pitting region and group against each other.

    It is inconsistent to ban oil tankers out west and not the east.

    Same with equalization payments and regional programs.

    How do you explain why Toronto has 1 Giant Fan (most need for energy) and the rural voters are getting hundreds?

  30. All the years the east subsidized the west when they hit hard times and now you throw that crap around? - RuralSandi

    Almost all equalization payments flow east RS and always has. Surely even you know that.

  31. Besides Ontario providing equalization payments can you list what years specifically Quebec or the Atlantic provinces contributed to the program.

    Technically, all provinces contribute to the program. In the end, it's all about who's a net contributer and who's a net receiver.

    Newfoundland are net contributers from 2009.

    From 1957 to 1965, Alberta received money from the program.

    Politics is about pitting region and group against each other.

    That's a very depressing view of politics. Wouldn't it make sense to make bridges and find ways to get people to talk and hopefully compromise, or find sensibly rational solutions instead of picking things to demonize? Why can't we talk about bring out the best in people instead of aiming for the worst?

  32. Sharon,

    I am aware of the citation regarding when and where regarding equalization. I was pointing out to RS that a blanket statement of the EAST was factually incorrect.

    The program was developed in 1957 to help the Atlantic provinces. In the most recent years one single province has been taking the lionshare of the payments.

    The Per Capita is a strawman point when referring to the smaller provinces.

    My view of how politics is actually done is NOT depressing. (It is honest and REALISTIC)

  33. Almost all equalization payments flow east RS and always has. Surely even you know that.

    Manitoba is a net receiver of equalization payments. Before the oil boom in Saskatchewan was a net receiver. And B.C. received equalization payments in the past, and noted above, so did Alberta.

    My view of how politics is actually done is NOT depressing. (It is honest and REALISTIC)

    Realistic? How so? I think you'd have to have an unrealistic view of yourself ("I'm all good") and the people who oppose you ("They're the spawn of the devil and nothing good can come from them"). (Yes, I'm not impressed by Iggy's comment about Harper.)

    Anyway, not everything is a zero-sum game, where someone can only win if someone else loses -- sometimes they're prisoner's dilemmas. ;)

    And you know, you hear the words "great political leader" and the words "united the country" than "played Machiavellian mindgames games with it's people."

  34. Christ I wish people would make the smallest of efforts to learn what equalization actually means before they talk about it. What RuralSandi said, bloody ingrates.

  35. He's attending a Calgary event and goes out of his way to tell the local gentry how his boots were made in Quebec and are the best in Canada.

    As I said.. whether or not that may be true, what's the point of saying that in Alberta?

    This would be the same Rob that dismissed the Afghan detainee scandal as "just politics". Ah priorities!

  36. Hey Paul, you must be an ignorant American or something. Real Albertans know that Harry Hays started his Stampede breakfasts in the 1950s; he was a cattle rancher and breeder, mayor of Calgary, a Liberal MP, a Liberal Senator and a Stampede director for years.

    Look him up in the Glenbow Archives:

  37. Who are ingrates exactly?

    And what exactly does this have to do with the topic at hand beyond more West-hating Central-Canadians and some Central-hating Western-Canadians bickering about who's more wrong and who's more stupider [sic].

    Jesus Christ, this isn't an East vs. West issue at all, how did it turn into one?

  38. From 1957 to 1965, Alberta received money from the program. - sharonapple88

    Sure, Alberta received a token amount during the early years of equalization. Now for 45 years straight, Alberta has paid out ever larger sums to benefit Canadians across this great nation.

    So quit your bellyaching all you layabout socialist malingerers.

    Technically, all provinces contribute to the program. - sharonapple88

    Well yes, (LOL) technically, (LMAO) all provinces do contribute (ROFLMAO).

    Hey Paul, you must be an ignorant American or something. Real Albertans know that Harry Hays started his Stampede breakfasts in the 1950s. - Holly Stick

    LOL. Another Liberal tall tale in the land of cowboys. The pancake breakfast started with "Wildhorse Jack" Morton back in 1923.

  39. Paul S: Get a clue. The ORIGINAL and largest Stampede Breakfast was started by the Hays family. Over the years several neighbors joined in. You can go to the Stampede archives and see old pics of Dan Hays' father (a Liberal Cabinet Minister) at some of the earliest breakfasts. The breakfasts were held on the Hays' property. It's the reason all the "whos-who" of Calgary goes - regardless of political stripe. I was a guest at 4 of these breakfasts, and it is quite an event. The Navy and Army come out. All the Stampede Queen and Court, bands, etc... Heritage Park in Calgary is PACKED... Oh... and don't forget the Syllabub - the concoction that gets handed out as shots to the crowd... All a Hays family - and now Calgary - tradition.

    A little history lesson may do you good. At one time Calgary had some powerful Liberals... and being a PART OF Confederation was important... More important than egos, or "Napoleon complexes"... (when you figure all that out, come back and play)...

  40. Canadian nonsense stated:
    "My view of how politics is actually done is NOT depressing. (It is honest and REALISTIC)"

    You are the most biased antiliberal on every blog you can get your keys to write on. You're a liar like Harper and consistently take your anti Liberal logic to new lows.

    You reek of the same sulphur as Harper.

  41. Sharon?

    Never claimed I'm all good but thanks for making me the subject.

    Ignatieff in 2005 Trinity College Ireland speech was an effective speech (not 100% accurate) but he was not playing Liberal stooge back than.

    Today he flips flops on the danger of Liberalism and pandering to certain ethnic groups in Toronto and Montreal. (See his guests at Canada 150)

    All politicians play wedge politics, it is reality. If you want to suggest otherwise so be it, I prefer to not injest mushrooms.

  42. The ORIGINAL and largest Stampede Breakfast was started by the Hays family. - Western Grit

    Not true WG, no matter how many times you repeat it.

    At one time Calgary had some powerful Liberals... and being a PART OF Confederation was important... - Western Grit

    And there it is: that insufferable Liberal arrogance. Is it any wonder Liberals are such a damaged brand?

  43. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Hey Paul S - ok so the breakfast "originates" with Jack Morton in 1923 - any idea whether he was a grit or a so-con?

    The Hays Breakfast Western Grit is talking about seems to have a 60 year history - Western Grit is hardly bullshitting anyone with the provided description...hardly an example of arrogance of any kind. Do you think Iggy was at some other breakfast? Which one? Gotta link?

    Now to Iggy's point.

    It has nothing to do with East/West or anything like what you say. Your man Harper is a right winger extraordinaire. And it smells bad, like devil farts. That is all.

  44. The Hays Breakfast Western Grit is talking about seems to have a 60year history - mystereoso

    So what? He claims it is the "original" Stampede breakfast. It isn't. That a Liberal would lie about something so basic speaks to a lack of integrity.

    ...hardly an example of arrogance of any kind.

    Did you read WG's post?

    At one time Calgary had some powerful Liberals... and being a PART OF Confederation was important... - Western Grit

    Confederation is ably led at present by a Calgarian and the ailing party of which WG pledges allegiance to only survives but for the generosity of the Canadian taxpayer.

    Your man Harper is a right winger extraordinaire.

    He is not my man. He is our Prime Minister. Of course he is a right winger. What did you expect in electing a Conservative????

  45. Anonymous6:52 AM

    You like origins Paul S, right? Canada is currently led by a suburbanite TORONTO born Calgarian - how "ably" is a matter of considerable dispute and the extent of his right wing partisan gamesmanship smells horrible. Blechh.

    Bottom line. Horrible suits. Bad Ken doll haircut and makeup can't clean it up.

    You should be wrapping this up shouldn't you? "sulfur" seems to have vanished from the BT devilworship tag of the day list, leaving only "whiff". Are you still upset about "whiff"?
