
Friday, July 30, 2010

Yeah, But Can Your Leader Do This?

Stephen Harper...very unlikely? He'd snap something. Jack Layton could probably break-dance while rapping in Lithuanian, but his party's full of weirdos. The Quebecois have their own ways of making fun, so why would Gil Duceppe bother? And its soo beneath Lizzy May's dignity.

So there really is only one choice, isn't there?


  1. Harper would have to be "staged" - specialy lighting and extra makeup and a forced smile.

    Besides, it would be too much exercise for Harper - he sits, stands in front of podium, sits, stands in front of podium......

  2. RuralSandi,
    You forgot "kicks chair across room".

    " he sits, stands in front of podium, kicks chair across room, sits,..." ;)

  3. Yeah, but I bet Harper could give Joey Chestnut a run for his money. 68 hot dogs and buns? Pfftt...

  4. Looks like he's warming up to do the Chicken Dance.
