
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Trolls R Us, Part III

The Torontoist caught up with them. An excerpt:

First time orhganizing something this big. I have helped with previous volunteer posting on a municipal level. We are upping the anti now to ensure consistant reponses to some of the garbage that passes for balanced news coverage. It’s not that hard to organize once we have the right writers lined up. Most are assigned a specific media outlet: Toronto Star, G&M, CBC, ect. They create one or more accounts and just ride each news item until its dead.. The dif this time is we have a little ediorial overview. Volunteer posters sometimes they get side tracked or flame out and get banned from posting.

Sounds plausible enough.  As someone notes in the comments, sounds like Mr. Kouvalis.


  1. Media outlets should just kill the comments sections on all online news stories.

    There, problem solved.

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Check my dress shirts offer and problem solved.
