
Sunday, March 20, 2011

Will Shaw Carry Fox News North?

We do not have an answer to that question at this time as it has not yet been determined if we will be carrying this new channel.

Interesting that they haven't decided at this late date. The rumour is they thought about it but decided to carry the chicken channel instead. After all, would you rather watch a juicy chicken roasting over a spit or this?


  1. I'm wondering if we can get that scary Faux News North thing to turn on a spit.

  2. I dunno, kinda looks - and sounds and behaves - like a chicken to start with if you ask me...

    Br-awwwwkk! Brawk-brawk-brawk! B-BRA-AWWWWKKKK!!!

  3. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Stick you head in the sand when the new channel comes to a TV near you. After all, you don't want anything to interfere with the righteous Liberal views thrown at us by the CBC and the Toronto Star. It used to be when I went on to the libblogs page the title “free thought” would come up. I guess there was a reason libblogs took it off.

  4. The Con trolls have it backwards. We liberals welcome FNN. There are no fears from our side. In fact, I plan on subscribing. If anything, I think it is the right wing who should fear FNN. Reading the trolls' comments here you can read the desperation between their lines. FNN will be prime fodder for mockery unlike anything the left has had before. The Onion will now have a cousin up north. Can't wait myself. Bring. It. On.

  5. "The fear you morons have of the new channel is just wonderful to behold."

    This thing is going to be religion for the indoctrinated and a comedy channel for the rest of us. Ezra Levant with his own show? Awesome.

  6. I for one am really looking forward to it. There is so little good comedy on tv these days...

  7. Ezra with his own show = hard core porn for libel lawyers.
