
Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Fire Alfred Apps

That is all.

PS. Kinsella has reasons. I'm too tired for reasons right now. My gut says he sucks.

PPS. I didn't always think that Alfred Apps sucked.  Guts can change.


  1. Why? Because he helped bring us Michael Ignatieff? If you go that route, you'll lose half of what's left of the Liberals. I have my arguments with Alf, but I think he's the right person to hold the fort until the next convention.

  2. Since when did you begin to worry about membership Jason? Is this a recent thing?

  3. While you're at it, get rid of the "beer and popcorn" idiot quote maker too! Scott reid and Alps shoukld be politicians, they love to hear the crap coming out of their mouths all the while helping to sink ships.

  4. Now, now gentlemen, don't squabble.. There will be plenty of time to consider what the Liberal Party needs.

    Though I think the sense of many in the party losing their feel for the man on the street by now is fairly well established. Think about it.. Ignatieff, Volpe, Dhalla.. These are not people who connect to the "common man".


    New Development.

  6. These are not people who connect to the "common man"...

    ...the common woman being largely irrelevant.

    But R.G. is right. You Liberals need to find yourselves some Rob Anders types. That should fix you right up.

  7. Did I hear correctly that Justin Trudeau will run for the leadership? Some parties never, ever learn!

  8. A good read.

  9. Southern Quebec said...
    Did I hear correctly that Justin Trudeau will run for the leadership?

    He said yesterday that he was not, as least not at this time. He reasoned that he has a young family to deal with, and he could not be the kind of leader that the Liberals need right now.

    A young but wise man that Justin is, he realizes that a new Liberal party run by a guy who's last name is Trudeau, maybe will not be seen as all that new.
