
Sunday, March 11, 2012

The Tar Sands Are Making Us Stupid

So suggests Thomas Friedman, and it makes good sense to me.  When you have no resources, you become resourceful.


  1. Anonymous12:13 PM

    hmm..Haiti cut down massive swathes of trees under successive myopic governments. Can't say that's helped them much. Rather than blame Alberta or the oil sands or Fort McMurray (not sure how inanimate objects are supposed to have human morals anyway) perhaps we should look at ourselves first and stop creating a demand.

  2. Anonymous1:53 PM

    In the 10 years following 1997 tar sands production tripled. In 2007 Alberta's first Creation Museum was opened - by an oil worker.

  3. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Good for him.

  4. That creation museum is in Central Alberta, which is the creepiest place in Canada. Super rich, but unpleasant to the core. I lived in Red Deer, the largest city in the region, for a year before moving back to Edmonton. Central Alberta is so bad Edmonton seems like a cosmopolitan metropolis comparatively.

  5. There's one in Bow Island, too.
