
Friday, May 18, 2012

Holy Crap: Etobicoke Centre Federal Election Result Declared Null And Void!

Due to "irregularities" in the vote.  This is important for several reasons.  It seeds the media with CPoC-as-vote -fraudster stories for several weeks (at least until the Supreme Court issues its decision).  And if the SC concurs, it coughs up an eminently LPoC-winnable seat in bye-election that will have an immense symbolic significance: no less than the first judgement cast on the Harper Majority.  (I don't count the bye-election for Jack's seat.) 

From the decision:
Update: some speculation as to what might have been going on from Ben Parsons:

The facts in this case are pretty clear. *Someone*, was running the old scam of using the same person to vouch for more than one person to the RO. They have solid documentary evidence that at least 79 votes were improperly cast, far exceeding the margin of 26.


  1. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Why else was Harper trying to put a quash on the robo-call scandal? He knew he was responsible. Even the U.S. said, this was far too sophisticated for any staffer to pull off.

    Over half of Canadians, did not want Harper as P.M...he knew it, he cheated. Now 2/3 of Canadians want him gone. With these last results, no doubt 80% of Canadians will insist Harper goes to prison.

  2. Due to "irregularities" in the vote. This is important for several reasons. It seeds the media with CPoC-as-vote -fraudster stories for several weeks (at least until the Supreme Court issues its decision).

    In your dreams, perhaps. The court has already stated, as has Elections Canada, that this was NOT the result of any kind of voter fraud or suppression, just confusion or incompetence by Elections Canada staff. We don't even know who the disallowed ballots were cast for...they could all have been for the Liberals or NDP for all you know.

    Nice try, though.

  3. Doesn't matter anyways. The Harper Neocons will drag this out in the courts for five years, at which point the result will be academic.

    And if you think the NDP will win the next election: What makes you think the Harper Neocons won't rig the next election too?
