
Friday, September 28, 2012

Your Daily Nazi: This Is Floating Around The Quebec Education System??

A few days ago, the Tory government invited reps from the Canadian Immigration Report to testify on government immigration policy.  They were swiftly uninvited when the NDP discovered, via the cirereport website, that these people (Julien and Madi Lussier) were far-right kooks.

I had never heard of the two--they didn't seem to be, or have connections with, the usual suspects.  But the gang at ARC has done some digging, and: of the CIR members who was invited by the Conservatives to act as witnesses is also an author...


Madi Lussier also promotes the book, which she describes as a, "school book published in Quebec [that] encourages debate on immigration and multiculturalism" on the CIR website...

The screen-cap above (one of several on the ARC site) is from the book, which is entitled English Checkpoint 4: Activity Book.  My first, and second, response to this was to think that it must be some kind of joke.  But as you can see through the link, its in the Quebec archives, and LIDEC (bottom left of screen-cap) is a legitimate publisher.  So I can only echo the question posed by the folks at ARC: is this book actually being used in Quebec?  And, if so, why?

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