
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

See Kelly Block's Disgusting Flyer!!!

A nice take-down can be found here.  Although I would note to the author Mr. Mandryk that at least they're aren't after Hunkys anymore. No.  The Harper government has more or less randomly chosen Hungarians as their scapegoat du jour.  They're thinking a few moves ahead, post Afghan mission.  Who do we  get the base to hate next, after the Muzzys?


  1. Boy, a quick look at 2011's election results show that Block didn't win her riding by very bloody much. And vote splitting played no role whatsoever. Perhaps the good folk of Saskatoon—Rosetown—Biggar will do themselves and the country a favour next election and send this shithead packing.

  2. A concerned small business owner sent us this information:

    The Executive Director of the North Saskatoon Business Association is sending an email to members APPLAUDING Kelly for her actions. Ms. Block will be speaking this Friday at the Sh
    eraton Hotel.

    "We’re holding our annual Small Business Week Luncheon this Friday, Oct. 19. This year’s guest speaker is MP Kelly Block. I’m asking the favour of your attendance for a couple of reasons. Firstly, we didn’t get as much promotional time for this event as we would have liked, and therefore, our attendance figures are low right now. Secondly, due to some current media reports, Kelly could use a show of support from her constituents and the business community, and she well deserves it!

    Keith Moen
    Executive Director
    (306) 242-3060"
