
Tuesday, December 18, 2012

You Don't Have To Read This Story

Its Xmas and, with pages and pages to fill, even what a banker does on his holidays is occasion for a few 100 words. But believe me, when millions of Canadians open their newspapers this morning they will skip this story on their way to the sports section.


  1. Off-topic though maybe related to the HarperCon smear machine; "Ethical" Oil files complaint with CRA against Sierra Club:

  2. Cons just being mean and jealous... Had Carney stayed at Clements' gazebo Esra and the Con sheeple would be spread in' the warm and fuzzy news everywhere.... It's a lame (but possibly effective) shot across the bow of the Opposition, as well as a jab at all civil servants that what's in their closet will become fodder for the Cons and their slimy shills in the media...
