
Friday, January 11, 2013

AFN Demands: My Favorite One

All legislation must be unquestionably consistent with s.35 of the Canadian Constitution and the UNDRIP.  Legislation and provisions of legislation as in C-38 and C-45 that contravene our Treaty and inherent rights must be reconsidered and implementation of these provisions be put to a halt. We must have an environmental regulatory regime in this country that respects our rights. Legislation that tinkers around the edges of the Indian Act must stop and be replaced with support for First Nation government and nation re-building including a mechanism for our Nations to push away from the Indian Act as they determine. To fulfill the original relationship, Canada must put in place an ongoing process that all new bills and policies of the federal government must be in full compliance with section 35 and consistent with international human rights standards. 

This complaint is the thread that has always woven together the disparate strands of the Idle No More movement.  Now, "reconsidering" this legislation may sound like the AFN is getting a bit sucky, but if you were to split these two bits off from the omnibus bill and debate them again--reconsider them--I'm sure they would go the same way as the Lawful Access.  Harper wouldn't dare reintroduce either--especially C-45--because who among Canadians wants to gut the laws that protect our rivers and lakes from despoilation?   Or at least so I would wager (maybe a fin, maybe a $20).

So, if I may offer some friendly advice to INM, I would over the next few days and weeks make these concrete bits of legislation the focal point of any protests.  And, if I were Chief Spence, I would forgive Mr. Atleo and give hugs all around and go out together for some Chinese-food and scarf four plates immediately.  If you two get the ball rolling on repealing these bits of noxious legislation, then you've already won your Order of Canada.  In fact, the nation will owe you both a Senate seat for when you get old.

But of course it won't happen overnight; chief Spence needs to get strong for the next round.

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