
Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ezra Facing 2nd Hate Speech Charge?

Dawg has the details.  But, as to the reason given by the AG's rep for NOT going forward the first time, that he "was afraid Levant would make a big noise about [the charges]", I frankly think not.  That's because, for one thing, Ezra's career is on the line.  Nobody in broadcasting will hire a guy with a hate-speech conviction.  Ezra will grovel  and beg and eat sand if that's what it takes to wriggle out of something like this.   And, for another thing, Ezra's preferred style of noise making--smear everyone left, right, and center--has left him with facing a long series of defamation suits.  I doubt he can afford to slander anyone else.  Especially not more lawyers and a few investigating police officers.  Thirdly, I think those in the press  that were eager enough to rally behind Ezra in his crusade against HRCs will finally abandon him, having had a chance to watch him  perform at The Sun News Network for two years.   While they've complained mightily about the recent SCC ruling against Bill Whatcott, they haven't really gone to the wall for Ezra this time out.  Perhaps they are thinking: fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This time minus spelling errors

    BCL you may be correct in terms of Ezra's reaction but are you saying that you don't believe that the A-G's office didn't offer this as an excuse not to charge him?

    From what I read the head of the Roma community was at the meeting with the A-G and that is what she reported.

  3. No I believe that's the excuse they offered. I don't think its a good excuse. I don't see Ezra or his supporters being up to that kind of fight again.

  4. You are wrong. Ezra will survive, even with a hate speech charge. We're talking the Cons, here. There is no punishment for the right. They just keep getting the welfare dropped in their lap.

  5. So what do you think the real reason was?

  6. Well, I imagine they DO think Ezra will raise a stink. I just can't see him being in a position to do it. Could you imagine Kory letting him smear cops and crown lawyers on his show? And really,looking at his history, that's what he would do.

    Also, for whatever reason, some of the wind has gone out of his once loyal supporters. FreeD for example.

  7. im hoping he is finished but I am certain he and his few supporters have some room to get past this. I agree with you BCL...I think he will grovel in order to spread his hateful rhetoric another day. I just love how he whines repeatedly about his situation...but when the left complain he tells them to leave canada if they dont like our country and its govt. He should take his own advice(Ie our stringent rules against hate speech), leave Canada and move in with Ann Coulter his true love;P

  8. Looks like Kory admitted what Levant said was racist and that the apology was part of their mandatory carriage effort.

    Ezra Levant. What a guy.....

  9. Ezra's career is on the line. Nobody in broadcasting will hire a guy with a hate-speech conviction. speech recognition software
