
Saturday, May 11, 2013

Keystone XL--Not Coming Soon

This (story through link) just confirms what I've argued for awhile.  The Obama administration will take its own sweet time over the Keystone XL decision, especially if they are leaning towards approval.  You don't want angry enviros arguing before a judge that you short-circuited the process.  I'm betting on nothing out of the Whitehouse until 2014.


  1. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I got the impression? Obama dislikes Harper's far too close ties, with Communist China? The U.S. has accused China of, hacking into their files.

    I got the impression, many country's are pulling away from Harper. Seems Harper lost two country's for trade with Canada. Reading other country's comments on, Harper, Baird and Canada? The comments aren't pretty.

    I won't be surprised, if the Keystone doesn't fly at all?

  2. Anonymous4:00 PM

    I got the impression? Obama dislikes Harper's far too close ties, with Communist China? The U.S. has accused China of, hacking into their files.

    I got the impression, many country's are pulling away from Harper. Seems Harper lost two country's for trade with Canada. Reading other country's comments on, Harper, Baird and Canada? The comments aren't pretty.

    I won't be surprised, if the Keystone doesn't fly at all?

  3. Harper benefits if Canada becomes isolated on the world stage - it gives him another card to play in building up the faux nationalism that he's been cultivating. In this case, he would be creating a persecution scenario to justify his pugilistic foreign policy.
