
Monday, October 14, 2013

Anyone Up For A Liberal War On Thanksgiving?

Recently I'm noticing a lot of fake happiness of the same kind that makes me hate Xmas.  People smiling at one another on the buses, and so forth.  But its an even chintzier version.  While at Xmas you can generally count on people to act semi-decent between the 24th and 27th, on Thanksgiving the mask usually comes off about 7 pm, and folks are at one another's throat again.  God knows my Liberal war on Xmas has not been a great success.  Nevertheless, I am willing to put myself out there in an attempt to undermine a 2nd Christian holiday.  WHO IS WITH ME?


  1. Given that I hate Xmas and everything I've been thru the last few months, I feel that there is little to be thankful for these days, so yeah, I'm with you.

  2. What you're proposing would deprive you of the pleasure of watching fat angry Walmart shoppers shoving each other in their frenzy for last minute holiday shopping. There has to be a deadline to induce last minute panic shopping. Besides, the homeless do enjoy the occasional change in menu and the opportunity to feast on turkey twice a year...

  3. I have tried to ban christmas...I have always hated it.
    I like halloween. we should just make christmas, halloween two.
