
Wednesday, November 06, 2013

Jran Website Launches

JRAN is a national organization that brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds who are deeply concerned about the changes made in 2012 to Canada's refugee determination system and refugee health care coverage. These changes place refugees at risk and disrupt Canada's humanitarian values and traditions. JRAN is a Jewish initiative that invites multi-faith and multi-cultural support and welcomes the involvement of individuals throughout Canada. Our mission is to advocate for change through the political process, education, public-speaking, and the media.


  1. A refreshing change form the Ford idiocy and a timely addition to Jewish advocacy given that at least one Jewish organization has been chumming with anti-refugee Conservative mouthpiece Ezra Levant

  2. I am bowled over! Isn't this the same guy who ranted a racist editorial on Sun Tv against the Roma? Why would any Jewish group want to be seen with him?

  3. Good point. Wrong post.
