
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Hero Cat Video Is Probably Fake

Can't say why quite yet.  But I am betting it is. Cats are heartless, godless, flesh eating little shits.

Although this is not a bad theory.
Were all these shots edited afterwards?  The sequencing can't have happened naturally.  Also some of it looks CGI to me.


  1. I saw something somewhere which said these homes each have some kind of surveillance cameras -- CCVV or something like this -- which are running all the time in this neighbourhood. So this is where the film came from, showing coverage from two different cameras.
    The content didn't surprise me at all -- cats are the honey badger of housepets.

  2. TMZ reports the dog was put down, FWIW.

  3. the hero cat has hit mainstream news not just youtube, its a given. Sorry this cat acted like a really brave dog:)
