
Monday, May 19, 2014

PCPO MPP Lisa MacLeod: An Inconvenient Clip

Its truncated, sure.  But anyone's first impression of PCPO MPP Lisa defending  Tim Hudak's jobs plan is that a Hudak gov. will somehow include women taking maternity leave in its total of 100,000 civil servants fired.  Clarification is surely needed.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Had to delete previous to correct a typing error......

    no clarification needed - "There will be a lot of attrition through that period of time, whether there's maternity leaves or there's retirement, there will be attrition."

    Pretty clear that they are not targetting mat leaves, but it is a fact that some mothers do not return to work - some after a first born, some after a 2nd or third (my company has had 3 women not come back after mat leaves in the last 2 years, from 6 total mat leaves.)

    To read into this as anything besides what she actually said is pure partisanship and hearing what you want to hear.

  3. ....people who don't return from 'mat leave' are called "resignations"; some people don't return from Long Term Disabilty either would have been much wiser to say "there will be resignations and retirements" ; saying "maternity leave" instead of saying "resignations" means Hudak is specifically targeting a 'no replacements for maternity leave' policy, which is both discriminatory and against the law
