
Thursday, April 30, 2015

The New Abacus Poll... the Tories an 8 point edge nationally.  This can be won back, but given the CPC's $ advantage pre-campaign, I wouldn't be surprised if it holds up until the writ drops and its worth the LPC  returning fire with advertising of their own.  And when I say it can be won back, that is not to say it will. When the election is called the score is reset and it all comes down to one month where everyone gets equal time on the television, and all that money LPC supporters have been giving the party over the past four years fuels a very bonfire of ad spending, back-slapping and baby kissing from sea to shining sea.  And in the end, we will find glory here on Earth, or drink with our  ancestors again in the halls of Valhalla.


  1. The methodology is poor. Decided voters ignors one quarter of voters and is statistically flawed. The self selected panel that Abacus uses is not random and is statistically flawed.

    I may be wrong , but Abacus dates this poll to April 15 and says it results from budget advertising but the budget was after this date.

  2. I've never seen worse methodology for a poll which people take seriously.
