
Sunday, September 06, 2015

Another Day Spent Off-Message

Conservative candidate Jerry Bance was caught on CBC-TV's Marketplace in 2012 urinating in a homeowner's coffee mug and dumping the contents into the sink.

I'm betting the guy gets sacked by dawn and Harper takes no questions during tomorrow's GTA visit.

PS.  This guy apparently ran for CPC previously.  They've been in power 9 years and this is the kind of talent they attract in T.O.


  1. I am still not sure what is going to happen in this election, but the fact that the CPC are having all these problems on the campaign trail is a sign that party is falling apart. Which is consistent with the number of pre-writ resignations.

    Harper is all about the vote splits now.

  2. They've been in power 9 years and this is the kind of talent they attract in T.O.

    Rob Ford hasn't been well.

  3. Good heavens they've lost another one. :)

    Tim Dutaud, who was running for the Tories in Toronto-Danforth, was forced out Monday after he was identified as a man known as the UniCaller in prank YouTube videos that included him pretending to orgasm while on the phone with a woman and mocking people with disabilities

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. this election so far has been extremely entertaining, and apparently its just the beginning. I await for the Justin Trudeau troll youtube vids. ( I just bet they are out there, but if they aren't, I bet the cons will fake em:))
