
Friday, May 19, 2017


This is what you should be paying attention to now.  Fuck that bullshit with that Trump asshole.  There is a small but non-zero chance that the dips are being caused by a MOTHERFUCKIN' ALIEN MEGA-STRUCTURE!!!!   YYYUUUGE, BABY!   The size of JUPITER at least and maybe one of many such structures orbiting  KIC8462852, a star 1,600 light years away, in the direction of Uranus, a really dark and hairy part of the night sky.

But seriously.  There's a real news story about it here.

But that's the only one.  Everything else is about that orange haired fucktard making an idiot of himself in lands far away.  THIS SHIT IS WAY MORE IMPORTANT!!!!  If it really is aliens, we can pray to them and slaughter people in their name, and then maybe get taken away to some planet on the other side of the galaxy that's all like California as our reward.

Or it could be a bunch of stupid comets.  But I'm hopin'.


  1. They are astronomers, are you mad because they aren't training their telescopes at Trump?

    Does everything have to be about President Doofus or can people just enjoy the possible alien megastructure?

  2. They are astronomers, are you mad because they aren't training their telescopes at Trump?

    Does everything have to be about President Doofus or can people just enjoy the possible alien megastructure?

  3. Anonymous6:38 PM

    Gyor? You seem like a very nice personwithnoprofile. Anywho, there's an everpresent motherfuckin' elephant in our collective motherfuckin' room. So, yes, almost everything need be about the toxic dump riding the rails, for now.
    Till RICO and The Untouchables pich him and them

    Thank you.

    Oh, and sardonicism. Works real well.

    BCL? My 'family' doesn't know I come here, so can I swear freely? Thanks.

  4. Forgotten Shoemaker- Levi, have we?

    Megastructures of Jovian size but skinny geodesic construction are best built after clearing Far Away solar systems of any and all vestiges of Ouur cloud infall, least comets whack them the way Jupiter got whacked two decades ago. .

    Given the number of light years our view is behind local time, the past tense may apply to megastrictures of Yuge scale
