
Thursday, June 29, 2006

Tory Scandal Goes Nuclear!

A whole 70 articles on Google, including Bloomberg, CTV, MacLeans, and on and on. I've gone giddy with righteous outrage! I've got the Liberal smirk going so hard it hurts!



  1. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Holier than thou Harper deserves an MSM beating on this issue. I am happy to see Harper held to the same standard he demanded of Liberals.

    HArper is corrupt.

  2. It's up to 82 articles now. :)

  3. Anonymous6:45 AM

    This is corruption? Voluntary donations to the Party which may or may not have been misreported. What, no bribes, kickbacks, envelopes stuffed with cash? For a BigCityLiberal you know Jack about big time corruption. Once I have you serfs by the neck I'll show you some US style corruption. Vive le Quebec libre!

    I Iggy

  4. Oh man, when I see the Liberal smirk, I just want to punch the person in the mouth. It's the worst smirk going, wore than any other party's smirk, perhaps even worse than GWB's smirk. Nothing personal, of course. ;)

  5. Anonymous10:46 AM

    gawd you morons are stupid . . . .

    Statement by Conservative Party on Convention Fees The Party’s convention arrangements in 2005 fully respected the law. The fees we charged our delegates to attend did not exceed the costs of running the convention. The fees covered such things as meals, hall rental, security and the like, and there was no net revenue earned by the Party. Consistent with interpretations of the Elections Act and the Income Tax Act issued by Elections Canada and the Canada Revenue Agency and applied many times in the past concerning the price of admission to political events, receipts for a political contributions were therefore not issued for any part of the delegate fee. The President of the Treasury Board, the Honourable John Baird, was quoted, correctly, as saying that the Party did not issue tax receipts for the 2005 convention. He made no statement that the Party thereby did anything contrary to political financing legislation. Michael D. Donison Executive Director Conservative Party of Canada

  6. Oooh! A Statement by the Conservative Party saying they've done nothing wrong. Well, my mind is certainly put at ease.

  7. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Hey BCL . . background om Meaghan . . she's a first class nutter . .

    careful, wash thoroughly if she continues to hang around

  8. I doubt Kate's ability to judge who is a wingnut. After all, she banned *me* from the site.

  9. Anonymous12:06 PM

    "After all, she banned *me* from the site."

    She didn't ban you, you dim bulb, she called you a troll. A step up in the world n'est-ce pas?

  10. Iggy,

    I can't access the site except through proxies. That's what I call being banned. She told me that I was making too many Tories cry.
