
Friday, November 03, 2006

No Sushi For You!

In fifty years 90 per cent of present-day marine fish, crustaceans, shellfish and other currently eaten species of seafood could vanish. And guess what, Global Warming's got nothing to do with it; its just straight-out over-fishing. You can actually see the effects when you go out to dinner. I don't know what bottom-dwelling monster you get when you order fish and chips these days, but it hasn't been cod for years.

Doom, baby, Doom! Better see if you can't rent a room at one of them L5 space stations.


  1. That's amazing cause 90% of my friends despise seafood.


  2. i can believe it. there's a new sushi joint opening every minute along bloor between bathurst and spadina...

  3. Yeah, but in ten years Jeff they'll be serving nothing but barnacles and sea goo!
