Thanks to
Warren Kinsella for linking to my
previous post. Fame and fortune will now surely come my way. And let me just say that I have previously referred to Mr.
Kinsella as being entirely Evil in nature. It is
possible that I was mistaken in this, and if I have indeed overlooked some spot of Goodness lurking in his soul, I sincerely regret it.
slurp, slurp, slurp . . . .
ReplyDeleteI like Warren K but you clearly have been tossed a fish and are harping like a seal.
ReplyDeleteKeep judging Warren by the flies he attracts, BCL.
ReplyDeleteI told him I'd lay off the bald jokes for a month. Swear to god, that's it.
ReplyDeleteBut you didn't promise anything about the eye brows, did you?