
Friday, May 04, 2007

Bigfoot Hoaxer Behind Mike Lake's Save Bigfoot Petition!

Yesterday, it was reported here and elsewhere that Conservative MP Mike Lake (Edmonton, Mill Woods-Beaumont) was taking a constituent petition to the House of Commons that would have Bigfoot protected under the Canadian Species at Risk Act. Ridiculous enough already, yes, but then I caught this little tidbit in the Vancouver Province:

Bigfoot researcher Todd Standing, who was behind the petition, claims to have proof of the sasquatch's existence and says he fears for its safety.

Thank god I read Cryptomundo, for the name "Todd Standing" jumped right out at me. Todd Standing in fact bills himself as the "discoverer" of Bigfoot, and he has gained some stature in the world of Cryptozoology, having among other things been interviewed by Art Bell. Unfortunately, his greatest claim to fame has been 12 seconds of some pretty iffy looking Bigfoot footage, and a "documentary" on Bigfoot entitled Sylvanic that apparently involved some very bad acting.

Now he is crowing like a mad thing about his "success" in getting Mr. Lake's help with the petition:

Now that we’re in the nation’s business, people are going to start taking me seriously. People ask me, ‘Why would you do it? It doesn’t make any sense.’

“Of course it makes sense, because I’ve really found the species. Anyone could go out and execute these animals, and I can’t allow that to transpire.”

Our new government at work, showing how it's in touch with the grassroots! Magnificent!

(Meanwhile hordes of grateful Bigfeet are heading to Edmonton to help in Mr. Lake's re-election efforts! See below.)


  1. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Stop development . . . to save Bigfoot. Stop logging . . . to save Bigfoot. Stop manufacturing and shut down highways . . . to save Bigfoot. Enact a Bigfoot tax, buy Bigfoot credits, sign the Bigfoot Protocol, and watch Al Bore's new 'documentary' (snicker) called An Inconvenient Primate.

    Send money now! Before Bigfoot disappears FOREVER!!!

  2. Anonymous2:15 PM

    "Our new government at work, showing how its in touch with the grassroots! Magnificent!"

    Puleeeze - don't you know that when a petition is sent to an MP - if it is correctly done - it has to be presented.

    If you had watched Mike Lake present it, you would realize how he disqualified himself as a believer.

    Give me a break BCL - just another attempt to SMEAR the Conservatives.

  3. Anonymous2:59 PM

    Like the Sylvanic reviewer, I thought of the Blair Witch Project while watching the youtube clip. The camera constantly swung around trees and dead leaves, though I think it was less wobbly than the sasquatch film. But it made some people throw up, though I found that closing my eyes every so often helped settle my stomach.

    The sasquatch film raises some questions though: doesn't that sasquatch walk a lot like a human? Why does the clip start with the sasquatch so close and then walking away? Didn't the camera guy even try to follow it?

    Will Sylvanic show up on Youtube?

  4. Alot of the Bigfoot videos on Youtube (and they are literally turning up on a weekly basis) have that look. Its part the influence of Blair Witch, and part the influence of the mother of all Bigfoot footage, the Patterson-Gimlin film.

  5. Anonymous3:05 AM

    Oh too funny!
    Alberta Girl: doesn't it seem delicious that the constituents of the Con "disqualified as a believer" were able to use him as a way to present their petition?
    Who's more unbelievable? The Con MP presenter, or the Constituents he purports to represent?
    Who voted in this Con clown anyway?

    Go Bigfoot!

  6. Alberta Girl is not the expert on parliamentary procedure she seems to think she is. While it's true that MPs are required to present the petitions they receive, there is no requirement that they read the petition in the House. They can simply state that they're presenting a petition on behalf of their constituents. Stating the nature of the petition is the MP's choice.

  7. Steve,

    My understanding (see one of my Saturday posts) is that the MP doesn't have to present the petition at all.

  8. Steve, Please find me a link in Hansard where Mike Lake speaks in the House on this petition.

    Never let facts get in the way of a good smear job.


  9. Aard,

    He goes before parliament this week, I am told.

  10. I think what you have been told is wrong, but I await the Hansard comments if I am wrong.

