
Saturday, June 23, 2007

Conservative Senators Off One Of Their Own?

Rumour has it that Liberal turned Tory Anne Cools has been

...removed from caucus for several reasons including not supporting the budget and failing to attend a caucus meeting since October 2006.

I've seen nothing on this in the MSM yet, so I suppose it must remain a rumor. Given her history, I wonder if the Libs will want her back?

Update: One of my buds at Free Dominion says Harper mentioned that Cools was no longer in his caucus at his press conference yesterday. Still no word in the papers etc., however.


  1. I think the Liberals would want her back in much the same way Harper wants Garth Turner back.

    She is, in addition to being an extreme social conservative, the kind of loose cannon that other loose cannons point at and say "Well at least I'm not as loose a cannon as she is."

  2. Anonymous9:46 AM

    not bad . . 30+ years with her lip-lock on the taxpayer's teat because the uber-moron Trudeau decided leading student riots that destroyed millions of dollars in computer equipment was what it takes to qualify as a Senator.

  3. why can't trolls spell or add and subtract? have they never been educated??? 2007 - 1984 = 23

    funny that, a stupid troll who can't add or subtract calling one of our country's most respected prime ministers, who attended some of the finest academic institutions in the world, an "uber-moron".
