
Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Why, Ezra? Because The Alberta Liberals Are Courting Nutters, The Federal Tories Trying To Avoid Them.

Ezra is wondering why The Alberta Liberal Party is making nice free-speechy noises about him and his AHRC case, even mentioning him "by name", while the Federal Tories are issuing "empty banalities".

That's because, Ezra, the Alberta Liberal Party couldn't draw flies to a pile of dog poop. They'll take your vote, his vote, any vote, and worry about the consequences later. Whereas Mr. Harper's Federal Tories have made a few tentative stabs at reaching out to Canada's various ethnic communities. They see you and an election coming at the same time, and have stomach spasms.

For them, Ezra Levant at the head of a passel of Neo Nazis and people who employ their Freedom of Speech to crack wise about the holocaust is just too much a blast from the Reform Party past, a return to the bad old days when white extremists and Western Seperatists were in, and the Charter of Rights and the Metric system on their way out.

They're not gonna touch you guys with a ten foot pole, Ezra.


  1. ...and the Metric system on their way out.

    In hindsight, repealing the metric system looks like the most sophisticated policy issue the Albertards ever had.

  2. Anonymous9:50 AM

    Again, your blindness to your own hypocrisy is astounding.

  3. Anonymous9:53 AM

    "a return to the bad old days when white extremists and Western Seperatists were in"

    With the benefit of hindsight and the indefatigable KMG we now know that of the 50 or so "white extremists" that comprised the movement, a good 40 of them were CSIS agents, including the guy who incited it all, Grant Bristow.

    It was a crock of shit then and it is a crock of shit now.

    You Liberals don't give a fuck about racism; you just invent a fake Nazi movement out of thin air and use it as a club to...beat the conservative menace, I believe are your words. Well it doesn't work anymore, your pathetic lies don't play in a post-"Great Tattoo Sting" day and age:

    "But the current controversy with Richard Warman started to sound familiar for another reason as well. Shortly after the evidence on Warman was made public (on Free Dominion, a web site that is the subject of human rights complaint), Warren Kinsella stepped into the fray to publicly defend Warman. If anything, Kinsella is consistent. In 1994, shortly after the exposure of CSIS agent Grant Bristow as an agent provocateur in the Heritage Front investigation, Kinsella defended Bristow in a column in the Ottawa Citizen.

    In light of the accusations against Warman, it’s worth re-examining the Bristow Affair. There are similarities. Specifically, both involve the investigation of extremism on the far right. A good starting point is that column by Kinsella.

    It’s a curious piece of work.

    Kinsella’s column was published on September 2, 1994, a couple of weeks after Bristow was exposed in an August 14 Toronto Sun article by Bill Dunphy, “Stir It Up: Grant Bristow Didn’t Just Spy on the Heritage Front – He Used Taxpayers’ Money to Build Up the Racist Organization.” Dunphy, quoting from Heritage Front opponents, accuses Bristow of going far beyond simple infiltration of the Heritage Front and alleges that the agent was in fact inciting violence by playing both sides against each other (in other words, stirring it up). Kinsella in his column appears to be at once attacking Bristow for helping to establish the largest neo-Nazi organization in Canada while at same time defending him for exposing it. In all, he mentions Bristow’s name ten times.

    Yet, despite these numerous references to Grant Bristow, Kinsella does not disclose to the reader that he has had intimate knowledge of the man. At one time, Kinsella made a police complaint against the CSIS agent. That incident came to light only a week or so before the column appeared, in an article in the Vancouver Province, August 25, 1994
    A backward glance at the Bristow Affair, a cursory look at the Toronto 18 case, and with the revelations coming forth in the Warman Affair, maybe it’s time for a full public inquiry into the use of government agents to create fear among Canadians in order to justify the suppression of liberties."

    Read more. Much more:

  4. Love hearing Cons talk about how the Liberals aren't as tolerant as they claim. When will the nut-cases realize that the very meaning of "liberal", the definition of the term; the party ideology; AND policy initiatives all speak to a party which combats inequalities of all sorts, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and all sorts of rights violations. Liberals have always stood for similar values the world over. It is conservative policy that paves the grounds for hate, distrust, fear, and xenophobia...

  5. ...including racism, sexism, homophobia, and all sorts of rights violations.

    Conservatives pull off a really neat act of mental gymnastics with this. They claim that policies to combat racism, sexism and homophobia enable the worst traits of human behaviour, which, of course, are only found among minorites or women. And enabling those things is bigotry, because liberals/progressives are preventing those people from becoming better, whiter, more masculine or more feminine people.

    The scary thing is...they really believe this.

  6. Looks like the Cons can relax a little. Levant's face time sure to decline. News is breaking that the complaint against the WS has been withdrawn.
