Now Mark has provided a wireless scan from outside of the Ottawa's CHRC headquarters in Ottawa to bolster his case. It
...shows numerous unsecured wireless access points in range.
And so Mark asks:
But of course this is the wrong question. The right question is: why would anyone with so many unsecured hotspots in the immediate vicinity even attempt the Herculean task of hacking a private citizen's account 1/4 mile away? (And why, in any case, would they need to stay connected for a full 24 hours, as Stormfront records indicate?)
Honestly, I don't know what happened with, but since investigations of the 90sAREover posts indicate that Mark and his combüdor X-berts have managed to trace this visitor to a Rogers regional proxy handing traffic from (and masking the real IPs of) perhaps 10,000s of PCs, I'm not going to bother. Just file it under Nazi dumbness.
Funny how the media reported this w/o any of the skepticism you have rightfully pointed out ie they are reporting it as fact rather than conjecture.