1) Photo-Gate.
2) Cleavage-Gate: when Boobies and power collide.
3) In and Out Scandal, Part I.
4) Part II
5) Masturbagate: James Moore viewing Porn in the HOC; was a bit of a fizzle, scandalwise.
6) The Wiji Affair: KHAAN!
7) He's Baack! Return of the Chin that walked like a man
8) Riot Inciting Police.
And now, because its my favorite and it too is baack! number 9) Cadmania!
VANCOUVER–RCMP officers have interviewed Chuck Cadman's widow twice in the last two months after launching an investigation into an alleged offer by Conservative Party officials to the dying MP.
Let me know if there's any I missed.
Good one!
Oh Yeah! Income Trusts gate.
We mustn't be too hard on Tories for doing photo ops with criminals. Who else would be willing to be seen in their company these days?
I just hope poor Maxime didn't have to pay Michael Chamas too much to pose with him.
Don't forget NAFTAgate
And yet, none of these awful scandals are affecting the portly Harpecrite and the ReformaTories in the least. Odd that the Liberals won't go to the electorate to throw out this scandal plagued neocon government. Hm, I wonder why.
We mustn't be too hard on Tories for doing photo ops with criminals. Who else would be willing to be seen in their company these days?
Oh, indeed. Especially when jailbird criminals like
this one so eager to advocate for his Liberal cause. :D
Don't be shy, K-Wolf, hit me up with all the filth. Who is this guy?
His name is
Jeff Power, formerly (or currently; who knows) of Manitoba's Stony Mountain prison.
That picture was on the front page of the Winnipeg Sun in the last election. It was quite funny; they did a little "investigative" piece on how the voting at Stoney was going (since prisoners are allowed to vote and all that), including a little informal poll. There was nary a Tory to be found, but Liberal support was "very high." That guy was one of the inmates who was "strongly Liberal." Even I started feeling sorry for the Liberals when I saw that (no I didn't). The poor bastards couldn't buy a break by that point.
Hey, we really shouldn't get on Mr. Power's case here. Afterall, he's probably the first honest Liberal we've seen in quite some time. ;D
After making a huge stink about Stronach, I would suggest Emmersongate.
Don't forget - "unelected" Senator Fortier.
Does the make-up lady fit in anywhere?
How about attending cocktail parties instead of dealing with Canadians abroad (Guergis/Martin)
Hey, we really shouldn't get on Mr. Power's case here. Afterall, he's probably the first honest Liberal we've seen in quite some time. ;D
Would that the dreary scandals the Conservatives churn out were a 10th as entertaining as this OUTRAGE! you're flogging here: "Liberal tattoo...on a a prisoner...why that's right up there with...*ahem*....AAAAADSCAAAAAM!"
Frankly, nekkid mayor is the only one that's come close so far.
Don't forget the worse crime of all...removing Canada's natural governing party from power regardless of the money in stole.
I have bookmarked this post for posterity - great one! ;-)
Don't forget the worse crime of all...removing Canada's natural governing party from power regardless of the money in stole.
Which the Conservatives did by stealing the election through fraud.
Haw haw!
Frankly, nekkid mayor is the only one that's come close so far.
Hmm, I dunno.
Nekkid former provincial NDP leader does deserve a mention.
Baldy-gate - Baird/O'Brien municipal elections bribery allegations
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